Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One more awesome video of Murfreesboro tornado

I know I have posted a few times on the Good Friday Murfreesboro, TN tornado, but I found one last eyewitness video, taken by YouTube user jefftsmith, that is worth watching. This is better than the ones in my previous post containing videos. Watch and be amazed! A direct link to the YouTube video is here. (Bear with it through the first 10 seconds or so...)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. this is one scary sight. please feature this on the bizymoms Murfreesboro community page, mom's would like to see this

Meteorologist Erik Proseus said...

Thanks for the comment Shanice. Not sure how to post it on that site, but you are welcome to post it if you have access, provided you reference my blog as the source of the info.
